Open Education Tutorials
OER Africa has developed, and continues to test, innovative alternative approaches to continuing professional development (CPD) for academics. One strategy has been to develop Open Education Tutorials for university academic staff that will empower them to embrace open education.
Advanced Diploma in Technical and Vocational Teaching (ADTVT)
The South African Advanced Diploma in Technical and Vocational Teaching (Adv Dip TVT) is the product of an initiative of the South African National Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) in association with the University of Free State and Saide who was responsible for the design and the development of the course Modules.
OER Courseware
Primary place to find African-produced OER courseware in several thematic areas, including: Continuous Professional Development OER for Academics, Academic Librarians, and Senior Management; Agriculture OER; Foundation OER; and Health OER.