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  • University of Fort Hare Distance Education Project. Core Learning Areas Course: Natural Science. Umthamo 1: Process Skills

    In this umthamo teachers are asked to think carefully about science and scientists. The outcomes provide teachers an opportunity to: * develop their own science literacy * reconsider some ideas about the abilities of young children * identify and describe science process skills * present a lesson that develops science process skills. more

  • University of Fort Hare Distance Education Project. Core Learning Areas Course: Technology Education. Umthamo 4: Differentiated Group Work - Joining and Fastening

    The focus in this umthamo will be on the process of joining things. Joining and fastening is a very important part of making. It would be impossible to join things without using materials and special tools. This umthamo will also suggest interesting approaches to group work. more

  • University of Fort Hare Distance Education Project. Core Learning Areas Course: Natural Science. Umthamo 5: Fair Tests

    The outcome of this umthamo relate to integrating the way children think and work scientifically in the classroom. There will be a focus on experimenting, as well as the related process skills of using time relationships and controlling and manipulating variables. Teachers will also be asked to reflect on their role as they help learners develop these science skills. more

  • University of Fort Hare Distance Education Project. Core Learning Areas Course: Natural Science. Umthamo 3: Investigation and Inquiry-based Science

    In this umthato teachers and learners will build on the development of science process skills by trying activities that promote an inquiry-based approach to science learning. more

  • University of Fort Hare Distance Education Project. Core Learning Areas Course: Natural Science. Umthamo 2: What's Happening Here?

    In this umthamo we continue to think about some of the science process skills. We will continue to base the work on the natural science strand, /Matter and Materials/, but this time it will also be linked to the strand /Energy and change. /In the previous umthamo the focus was on the science skills of observation and predication. This time the skills of inference and developing theories is... more

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