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  • University of Fort Hare Distance Education Project. Core Learning Areas Course: Natural Science. Umthamo 1: Process Skills

    In this umthamo teachers are asked to think carefully about science and scientists. The outcomes provide teachers an opportunity to: * develop their own science literacy * reconsider some ideas about the abilities of young children * identify and describe science process skills * present a lesson that develops science process skills. more

  • University of Fort Hare Distance Education Project. Core Learning Areas Course: Natural Science. Umthamo 3: Investigation and Inquiry-based Science

    In this umthato teachers and learners will build on the development of science process skills by trying activities that promote an inquiry-based approach to science learning. more

  • University of Fort Hare Distance Education Project. Core Learning Areas Course: Natural Science. Umthamo 2: What's Happening Here?

    In this umthamo we continue to think about some of the science process skills. We will continue to base the work on the natural science strand, /Matter and Materials/, but this time it will also be linked to the strand /Energy and change. /In the previous umthamo the focus was on the science skills of observation and predication. This time the skills of inference and developing theories is... more

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